Take a boat excursion to Galevac Island – the smallest inhabited island in the Adriatic Sea

Explore the Galevac island on your private boat trip, and discover a small patch of land located just 80 meters across the biggest fishing village of Ugljan island – the settlement of Preko.
Seeing that Ugljan island goes hand in hand with the tiny islet of Galevac, seize the opportunity and experience the best of both islands with help from your professional local skippers and tour guides from Zadar Archipelago.

Discover numerous hidden secrets on Galevac, as you:
Island hop between Ugljan, Pašman and Galevac islands on a private boat tour
This compact Galevac island is located parallel to the settlement of Preko. Swimming from Preko, it takes only 80 meters to reach this tiny isle. Preko is also the closest settlement to Galevec, as well as being the biggest fishing village on Ugljan island.
Being one of the smallest islands in the entire Zadar archipelago, Galevac island`s proximity to Ugljan island provides an excellent opportunity to visit both islands in one day with a boat trip.

During the low tide, it is even possible to walk the distance between the two islands, seeing how shallow the waters between them really are. Make arrangements with your tour operators from Zadar Archipelago and construct a boat trip itinerary that will envelop these three close islands: Galevac island, Ugljan island and Island Pašman.
FUN FACT: Galevac island is the smallest inhabited island in the Adriatic Sea!
Marvel at the natural beauty of Galevac Island during your boat excursion
Galevac island is famous for its tranquil atmosphere that can be felt while walking amongst tall pine trees, all the while being surrounded by the sounds of chirping crickets and crashing waves.

Galevac is no more than 650 meters in diameter, but in its compactness, it hides the best of all features regularly found on islands in the Croatian Adriatic sea.
There are pine trees that provide dense shade for baring the hottest hours in the day, as well as some terrific spots where you can sunbathe and work on your perfect bronze tan.
The 15th-century Franciscan monastery is surely the most sought-after sight to experience on Galevac island, which does not surprise, seeing that there are numerous hidden treasures stored in the monastery.

These treasures include a gymnasium and a printing press, as well as the monastery`s most prized possession – a library containing more than 5000 titles, most of which hail from the 16th to 18th and 19th century, making the collection of books inside the monastery truly priceless.
Discover the story of the Washing wives of Preko on your next boat trip
This story starts out as many other stories in the Croatian Adriatic do – with the sea. Island living was tough, meaning that the male part of the population was forced to work on ocean liners, tankers or big fishing vessels.
Out of necessity, the men did not see home for months or even years, leaving the women to take care of the homestead and the old people and children. This situation left little time to be thinking about anything else than the possibility of finding any kind of work, to improve the family`s budget. The situation was similar all over the Adriatic, but with some differences, depending on the specific region.

The women of Preko, just across the Galevac island, found work doing laundry for the wealthy aristocracy in Zadar. In the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, Preko women would cross the channel, pick up the laundry, bring it back home, wash it and then return it to Zadar. The earnings were meagre; barely enough for necessities, but the hardworking islanders were persistent.
Today Preko and Galevac island are one of the most popular spots to visit with a bot excursion from Zadar, filled with numerous bays and crystalline sea. On this tiny islet, you will enjoy striking vistas and discover why island beaches are the best choice for a beach escape.

Let your experienced skippers from Zadar Archipelago take you on an adventure to Galevac island

Steppin on the shoreline of Galevac island, one can immediately feel the soothing atmosphere of this tranquil island. Despite its small size, visitors tend to spend the entire day on this amusing islet, roaming around the charming pathways, exploring the Franciscan monastery, swimming in the crystal-clear sea or sunbathing on smooth rocky platforms.